On paper, things may not be worth the trouble, cost, challenge, or time. But what’s not on paper; what we see when we read between the lines…that’s is what truly matters.
On paper, tests, and statistics, from the age of 10 weeks old, Brett’s first diagnosis was everything short of what a new mom wants to hear about her child’s development.
“Your son has a Neuro-motor disorder- also known as Cerebral Palsy. Not until he grows up, will you know the severity but he will likely never walk, talk, recognize that your are his mother, or live to see his teenage years”.
Three decades later (way past his predicted life expectancy) Brett has proven that we are all more than the odds stacked against us.
Anyone who’s ever spoken to Brett, if even for a few minutes, knows he can and does talk up a storm—about any topic. He will call to check in on friends, follow up on events, remind us all of pending hangouts, and just tell us how much we are loved. He doesn’t walk on his own, but has found ways to walk, fist-pump, and smile his way through all obstacles put on his path. He has crossed hundreds of finish-lines, played baseball games, and adventured in more ways than doctors could’ve ever imagined because that’s the thing about paper —-Things on paper rarely list the most important things in life: grit, passion, unconditional love, and unwavering hope.
He’s been surround by a family who’s never taken “No” as an option. Now, Brett is a critical crossroads. He needs a kidney to help him continue to defy the odds. Along with that kidney, he needs a team of doctors to read between the lines. He needs those doctors to see that though on paper it may not be worth the risk, the cost, the time expectancy (to them), to Brett it would make all the difference. Whether it’s 1, 1 thousand, or 1 trillion breaths that he will take due to that new kidney, Brett is worth any opportunity that can be afforded to him. Without that kidney, Brett would have to start weekly dialysis (3x a week) limiting his ability to do most of the things he loves most.
We share Brett's story in hopes that his journey may continue to remind us all that though the odds stack up against us sometimes ... "it’s our life, and it’s now or never, we ain’t gonna live forever"(Bon Jovi)—So let’s make the most of this life crazy adventure we are on. Whether the stats are FOR or AGAINST us, all that matters is the grit, passion, and unconditional love we pour in between the lines and with which we stare life in the face to say: “We’ll never give up, Buttercup”
1. If you would like to check if you are a match as a Kidney Donor, please visit: https://mtilivingdonor.org 2. If you would like to make Brett smile, write in the comments below-- a memory you have with Brett from an event or a race.
I have been following Brett’s journey through Valeria’s posts. It always amazes me the inclusiveness of these competitions no matter who you are, your physical conditions and the support team in every competition. At the end of the day what matters is who you are and what personal obstacles you face to become a new person after the finish line.
Amazing job.